Frequently Asked Questions

How are the parents involved in the nursery?
We value all of our families and want them to feel part of the setting. We do this by having an open door policy where parents can come and speak to the staff within their child’s room or the management team about any concerns or worries they may have or just too generally see how their child is getting on. We encourage parents to join in with a variety of celebrations taking part in activities and events to support the children and the parents giving advice and guidance when needed.
How are accidents within the setting monitored?
All accidents are recorded and signed by parent, staff present and a member of the management team these are then filed away in the office. If we believe to be serious or in need of medical attention then parents will be contacted immediately. There are a number of staff who hold a first aid certificate and we ensure there is always someone present within the setting and when on outings. Accidents are monitored and Risk Assessment changed accordingly to ensure that accidents can be limited.
Where do children sleep?
Those children that still need to sleep are provided with sleep mats (cots for the youngest babies) and bedding which is washed on site. Children can choose to sleep anytime throughout the day but as most of our parents in the younger room request sleep time after dinner this is when it is provided. We do not however force children to sleep. Those that are awake during sleep time are provided with quiet activities to take part in.
What will my child eat at nursery?

Hayley’s Little Comets provides children with a healthy diet and lifestyle. Healthy meals, snacks and water is brain fuel and we believe that it is important to have a healthy balanced diet.

Breakfast consists of porridge, toast or fruit. We provide children with healthy snack snacks both morning and afternoon along with drinks throughout the day. Hot lunches are provided and we also provide guidance on healthy lunch boxes should you wish to bring your own. Our afternoon snacks are not designed to replace a child’s evening meal at home.

My child has an allergy. How can you ensure they do not become exposed?
When you register you will be asked for general information. During your settling visits we ask you to complete a permissions form where there are a number of questions about allergies. If your child has an allergy, you will be asked to complete these allergy questions that will highlight the allergen, the symptoms if they are exposed and treatment required. We then also have a procedure where we complete a number of forms for the kitchen and room staff. All staff who are working with your child on any day will be made aware of the allergy. All staff have paediatric first aid training and where an EpiPen is required staff undergo additional training if required. Through our procedures, we feel that the risk of exposure to the allergen will be unlikely.
How do I make a complaint?

It’s often best to talk to us first if you have a problem. However we do have a Complaints Policy that outlines the steps you need to take to make a formal complaint. You will also find details of Ofsted’s complaints number on display.

How do I know about my child’s daily routine?
At the end of the day, your child’s key person will feed back information about your child’s day. For the babies and younger children, this will include information about their sleep times, mealtimes and nappy changes. We use an online system called babys days for children which will give you instant access to their daily diaries and much more
Will my child be taken out anywhere? e.g. park, library, day trips
Occasionally we may take the children to the park, to visit the police/fire station, museum, farm etc. If this happens children wear high visibility jackets and a bracelet with contact details on. We take all the necessary equipment including a first aid box. Parents and carers can opt out of this if preferred.
What is EYFS?

E.Y.F.S. stands for Early Years Foundation Stage. The EYFS is a curriculum set up by the Government that states how we as early years practitioners do things. The EYFS is split into 7 areas in total.

3 prime areas: Communication, Personal social and emotional, Physical
And 4 specific areas: Maths, Understanding the world, Literacy, Expressive art and design.

Within these areas we must ensure children are making progress in each area.