Learning & Development
Reserve your child's place todayLearn to play and play to learn…
Child Initiated Play: Children will show willingness to tackle problems and enjoy self-chosen challenges through play. They will take initiatives and manage developmentally appropriate tasks.
Outdoor Play: Children will be given the opportunity to play in the natural environment which they will have the freedom to explore, use their senses, learn and be physically active. Being outdoors has a positive impact on children’s sense of well-being and helps all aspects of children’s development. The children go out to play every day and staff make sure that the children are appropriately dressed so they can enjoy themselves whatever the weather.
Outdoor play is seen as an integral part of the early years provision. We aim for both indoor and outdoor play to provide a stimulating environment for children’s learning in all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).
Group Story/Song Time: Children will develop confidence, establish relationships with other children and adults, listen attentively and respond to stories and songs. This will also help children to use their imagination to make up stories, use props and explore sounds of words as well as become familiar with number songs.

About Us
By choosing Hayley's Little Comets Day Nursery our qualified, caring team will take care of your 'little comets' aged 0-5 years whilst you are busy.
Hayley's Little Comets Day Nursery
2 Harris Street
Stoke on Trent
Telephone: 07741557564
Business Hours: 7:30 - 5:30 (monday-friday)
Opening Hours:
Full Time:
7.30am – 5.30pm Monday – Friday
Full Day:
7.30am – 5.30pm
Half Day Sessions:
7.30am – 12.30pm or 12.30pm – 5.30pm
How are the parents involved in the nursery?
How are accidents within the setting monitored?
Where do children sleep?
What Our Families are Saying